To meet the wide range of our clients' objectives, we have a bouquet of Mutual Funds tailored to suit their investment needs. Our Mutual Funds provide cost-effective exposure to diversified professionally managed, liquid and highly rated securities to retail investors. Our Mutual Fund offerings include:
1. Greenwich Plus (Money Market) Fund: This is an open-ended Mutual Fund designed to preserve invested capital and generate income for investors. The Fund’s assets are invested in low-risk short-term debt securities, including Nigerian Government Treasury Bills, Bankers’ Acceptances and Commercial Papers.
2. The Nigeria Entertainment Fund: This is a Balanced Fund that aims to promote an investment culture among participants, especially in the entertainment industry. The Fund provides investors with the opportunity to earn returns from investing in investment–grade instruments as well as indirectly investing in Nigeria’s entertainment industry. It invests in stocks of quoted companies, money market instruments, real estate investment trust schemes and in debt instruments targeted at the entertainment sector.
3. Greenwich Alpha ETF: The Greenwich Alpha ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is an open-ended Fund. It is a unique investment tool designed to replicate the investment performance of the constituent securities of the NSE 30 Index. The NSE 30 is a price-adjusted market capitalisation-weighted index comprising the top 30 companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalisation and liquidity.